The Mother’s Invitation to Ascension

This was the Mother’s greeting to the recent Who Is The Ascended Self Webinar. Greetings, I AM Mare’, I AM Mother, I AM the many faces of Mother as you, beloved ones, are the many faces of I, of We, of One. And I welcome you here this day. And I not only welcome...

What Is Nova Earth by Gaia

Happy Earth Day My Friends! There could not be a more pertinent message than this one from Gaia herself, Archangel GQi’anna, the quintessential agent of change, to truly comprehend what is transpiring during this time of change catalyzed by the COVID-19. Gaia...

Jesus Sananda’s Easter Message

Yeshua has once again requested I post this wonderful Easter morning. It’s amazing how the channels are timeless and how appropriate this powerful message from Jesus Sananda about the continuity of life and Love is right now. Enjoy! xxx Linda Greetings, I am...

Jesus Sananda’s Valentine’s Message of Love

Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. I am Jesus, I am Jesus Christ, I am Yeshua, I am Yeshi – I AM. And so are you. I welcome you to this day, this time, this season, this year and this Planet of Love. Yes, often we speak of love, we teach love, we infuse love, we instill...