Mary Magdalene ~ Love Your Bodies!

Love your bodies! Love this gift that you, in conjunction with all, have brought forth for the delight of humanity and the fulfilment of the Mother’s Dream. HEAVENLY BLESSINGS Radio Show with Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love, and Suzanne Maresca, Host,...

Our Lady of Guadalupe on Cities of Light

Monday,, December 12th is the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, one of the most beloved aspects of the Divine Mother. As we prepare for the Conjunction, it is important that we remember that one of the most exciting aspects of Nova Earth, and part of our...

Lao Tzu Speaks of Humility, Patience, and Fortitude

Humility walks with awe. How could you not sit, stand, or walk in the deepest humility, in the most profound sense of awe to your Mother Gaia? She is your living, breathing example of patience and fortitude. Channeling: Greetings, I am Lao Tzu, old master… you might...

Commander Playd’or of UFOG ~ We Are Coming!

Commander Playd’or brings us this fascinating update and follow-on from our recent Star Family Gathering* [link below]… especially for those who feel they are simply hanging on for dear life! Such places as the Pleiadian sector, Xeres, X-Xeres, and CeeCeeCee will...

Josianna ~ Holding the Vision of the Real Meaning of Peace

When there is truly peace is when everything – all the miraculous creations, co-creations, the bringing of abundance, equality for all – that is when it can happen! This beautiful Channelled Gem is lovingly shared from a personal reading with Guardian Angel, Josianna,...