Archangel Michael ~ The Meaning of Unity & Community
by Ellen Nairn
Now why do I come and say this today? Because in the midst of this chaos, the people need to know how well they are doing. And it is not just that the tide will turn, it has turned! Archangel Michael ~ The Meaning of Unity & Community This wonderfully inspiring...Grener & Ashira’s Summer Solstice Message ~ When We Say Peace, We Mean Unity
by Ellen Nairn
We have given you the Awakener Kit. Many of you are still using it – and we ask you to – because that is part of our Unity with you. You are using our tools. And they aren’t just tools. Our gifts to you, each and every one of them, are infused with love. Grener...Gaia’s Summer Solstice Message ~ Unity Has Been My Dream
by Ellen Nairn
And so my plea to you: Will you join us? Will you join us in Unity? Will you honour not only the physical life of another human/hybrid, will you honour the trees and the plants, the mountains, the streams? Will you honour the four-leggeds, the winged ones, and yes,...Divine Mother’s Summer Solstice Message ~ Unity Is Our Desire
by Ellen Nairn
Unity Prayer Divine Mother, Father, God, all Angels and Archangels of Love and Light, Ascended Masters, Beloved Saints, Wise Prophets, Enlightened Beings, Beings of Sheer Energy, Star Brothers and Sisters, and Council of Love ~ We are your loving companions, brothers,...Valdar ~ Honouring & Caring for your Beloved Body and Physicality
by Ellen Nairn
What is important – and this is true for many – is your engagement with your physical self, with this form that you and we, Michael and the Mother, have designed and formulated for this particular journey and sojourn upon sweet Gaia. Another important and timely...