The time of containment and of enslavement is over, and the time of fluidity – of joyfully, joyously, transmitting the energy of the beauty of who you are, and yes, the fun of who you are, the laughter, the joy – it is not down the road, it is right now!

Belli’Anna Malaya ~ Breaking Old Paradigm Beliefs In Pain & Suffering

This wonderful Channelled Gem is lovingly shared by Laurie from her reading with Linda Dillon.

Greetings, I AM Belli’Anna Malaya… we are all gathered in this healing time, in the beauty and the restoration, beloved angel, of who you are. And you are absolutely correct. It is time to know the joy! To inhabit, to radiate, to submit, and to transmit the joy!

What you are doing, sweet one, is destroying the myth, the template, of what it means to be human in the aging process of becoming infirm, decrepit. No! You are resilient. You are flexible. Now let us talk about what has been transpiring.

Yes, as the channel knows, arthritis represents the calcification, the build-up, that basically turns into cement and prevents the spaciousness, mobility, and fluidity to travel not only Gaia but all of the dimensions, all of your dreams, and to move forward in the beauty of who you are.

Now one of the things that you have been doing… and we are not saying to stop, but there has need to be a period of recovery… you have been taking on the calcified ideation, the paradigms, the constructs of old humanity that believes – yes, many still do believe this – that there is a limited range of motion, and what that translates into is that there is a limited range in your creative and creator self, that you are restricted.

You have been taking on these ideations – and yes, because it is in your physical body, understand what we say because your physical body is the smallest and the most fragile of all of your bodies, all of your field. So you have been doing this spiritually, etherically, for a long time.

But because the breaking down of this ‘collective calcification’… if we can call it that… the breaking down of that which has reached the crescendo – individually for you, yes, and collectively – it has need to be broken through, dissolved out of the physical realm that humans believe they occupy, to set them free to travel – yes, globally, sweet one; you are going away many times! – but also etherically, mentally, emotionally.

The time of containment and of enslavement is over, and the time of fluidity – of joyfully, joyously, transmitting the energy of the beauty of who you are, and yes, the fun of who you are, the laughter, the joy – it is not down the road, it is right now!

The time of containment and enslavement is over, and the time of fluidity – of joyfully, joyously, transmitting the energy of the beauty of who you are, and yes, the fun of who you are, the laughter, the joy – it is not down the road, it is right now!

And that is true for the collective. Now what is going on is the collective isn’t fully aware of that. They are awakening, and they are awakening rapidly with various levels of understanding and confusion, and so what you have been doing is literally snowploughing the way so that they can do this.

However… and we do not suggest that you are not strong; you are amongst the strongest of the strong and that is why you have – by choice; perhaps not by conscious choice, but by choice – taken on this mission of transformation of what has been restricting and holding these old paradigms in place. And you very clearly, as the Pleiadian/Hussian/Tralanian that you are, you have said, “No more!”

And so that is what is occurring in your shoulder, in your shoulder blade, in your literal calf, in your knees, in your hips, and it is time for this to be healed. …

Laurie: We seem to have a lot of learning through pain and suffering… Why is it that these lessons can’t be clearer, that you can really know what you need to do and do it? Why is it always a search? Why is it always that you’re not sure whether you’re doing the right thing or not? What’s the way to go?

BM: Because the human path… and we do not wish to create division between the fullness of your sacred self and the human angel in form, shall we say, but this is important… the human part has believed in pain.

There has been a collective history, a very long history, and a belief system that one… how shall we put it?… earns points in Heaven, gains grace, through suffering and illness and pain. And as you know, that human belief, which is what is being broken, was and is completely erroneous, wrong.

So this cement, belief that pain and suffering leads to learning and holiness, is being broken because it has always, always been incorrect. And that belief system, which has been like the Rocky Mountains, has been perpetrated by humans – by those who have experienced pain but who wished to control others.

And it has been a very successful strategy, the desire to control others through pain. “If you don’t obey, I will hurt you,” and if you are hurt because you are standing up for a cause, then it makes you holy, it makes you a martyr. That is not the paradigm that you are invited to exist within upon the planet.

So that has been the wrong way… and we don’t mean this as in ‘bad’… but it certainly has been the incorrect way of learning. And then because innately you, and many like you, have known that it is incorrect… you have known that since the time you were a little girl, and you have known there was really no bigger purpose in the suffering… and so you have often taken on suffering to relieve other people’s suffering because you knew it was not required.

It is like taking on a difficult or nasty chore for somebody else because you know they’re not up to it, because you are strong, and that is not the way that the breakthrough for this collective comes. That is the old paradigm, and it has not served, and the awakening shows you that.

Before, you would say, “Well, I will do it because it has to be done.”

Now you are saying, “I have done it, but I don’t want to carry it!” And it is not necessary for you to carry it either.

Channelled by Linda Dillon

Transcribed by Ellen Nairn