Universal Mother Mary – Come Ride the Wave! Right Now.

Greetings I am Mary – Universal Mother, Mother of Hope, Mother of Change, Mother of Constancy, Mother of Love. Child, do you not believe I can create miracles? If this is your belief then it is time for it to be washed away – it is time for all the lack belief system...

The Neptune Hovers

God bless Steve Beckow for translating my morning walk into something truly worth sharing! Linda Dillon was walking her pet dog, Eliza, when she looked up and saw the mothership, the Neptune, on the horizon. She whipped out her iPhone and took a picture. She says she...

Love Has No Second by Steve Beckow

Having said that certain natural things are metaphors pointing to the Divine or the process of realizing It, I now feel the need to say as well that certain Divine things seem to have no metaphors. After weeks of testing it out, I feel fairly confident in saying that...

Tsunami of Love Experiences ~ May 2014 ~ Part 2

We are the Tsunami. We are the Love. In our everyday lives we can bring in the Tsunami no matter what we are doing from the simplest task to something complex ~ it is remembering we are Love every second of the day. May 9 – LD Tsunami of Love Experience 5/8/14 I...