by Linda Dillon
The Tsunami of Love that the Mother is washing you with, day, night, and in-between is preparing you for this sacred union. In many ways it is the baptism before the marriage; it is the cleansing before the full union… Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua....
by Linda Dillon
A wonderful message from Jesus on the effects of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love and how we humans can help bring an end to the violence and chaos that is so prevalent today. Thank you John for sharing this message. Realization of the absolute futility of conflict...
by Linda Dillon
…open your arms my beloved friends and bring in the abundance of what you desire of these codes and bring them in directly through that portal of your heart, bring it in right now. And understand as you do this, as you bring forth an abundance of awe, of joy, of...
by Linda Dillon
You have asked to be the embodiment of the highest realm of consciousness, in form, collectively, creating, inhabiting Nova Earth, Terra Gaia. This cannot occur without collective love. So you are loving the divinity in the collective. You are recommitting who you are...
by Linda Dillon
The following is a discussion from the July 19, 2014 Saturday Conference Call. Normally these conversations are not shared but the insight from the Council on this difference between creative and non-creative energy is essential. The COL is guiding us to ensure we are...