by Linda Dillon
I’m struck by what Jesus said yesterday: “It has never been the learning to love; it is the acceptance, allowing and remembering of love.” (1) Had I not been privileged to experience transformative love for an extended period of time in 2015, (2)...
by Linda Dillon
There are times in a private session that information that is of a significant universal nature that is for our highest good that the insights be shared. This was one of those situations. With my client’s permission, I offer this “aha” message from Quan Yin. Quan Yin...
by Linda Dillon
Every now and then a personal channel includes information of such depth that it is worthy of sharing far and wide. Posted with permission of the recipient, this insight on the process of the RV falls into this category. In a frank discussion on the pitfalls and...
by Linda Dillon
“All of the Universe is patterned on the Mother, the Father, and the One.” An incredible channel by Linda of Albert Einstein on the patterning of the universe. Seminal ground-breaking work. Greetings, I am Albert, I am Albert Einstein, and I thank you for...
by Linda Dillon
I’ve understood Ascension all wrongly. I’ve assumed that, ascending, I will have gone elsewhere, to another world, to a higher-vibrational world that is not here.That isn’t at all how I understand Ascension now. Have I ascended? I would say...