by Mary Valanzano
As Nova Gaians, you are part and parcel, integral, not only to your Universe, not only to the Multiverse, but to the Mother’s infinite whole… Welcome, welcome, welcome. We have a really full agenda today, and the Council has been talking to me for days and it’s been...
by Mary Valanzano
There is nothing about me, in or out of form, that you do not have, that we do not share… like the DNA of a family… which, of course, is exactly what we are. Linda Dillon: There is so much going on right now and one of the things that the Council has been doing and...
by Mary Valanzano
Write across the sky, the oceans, and on each person’s heart that you encounter, write the word LOVE … Linda: How we’re going to start this morning, or this afternoon, wherever you are, is to go into our hearts. And I have chosen… I was guided, actually, to choose a...
by Mary Valanzano
… there is only one family, there is only one union, and it is for you to know and to have the privilege of expressing and experiencing love, and there is no greater gift, there is no more sacred honor than the sacred honor of fatherhood… Welcome everybody, and...
by Mary Valanzano
You have lived in a construct where birth and death are linear, but that does not mean that you cannot literally, physically, situationally be reborn… that we cannot ignite the physical, mental, emotional changes you are seeking… Meditation: Let’s begin by taking a...