I Got It. This is It. by Steve Beckow

I’ve understood Ascension all wrongly. I’ve assumed that, ascending, I will have gone elsewhere, to another world, to a higher-vibrational world that is not here.That isn’t at all how I understand Ascension now. Have I ascended? I would say...

Joy! comes to Florida

The Joy! mini-gathering conducted on Sept. 12-13 drew 33 friends and family to Linda’s home, and the energy just blew the top off the roof! Whether is was the channelings of Yahweh or Einstein by Linda, the music by Deb Cone or Diane Montgomery’s dancing...

How Core Issues Become Our Scripts by Steve Beckow

We may be in the final push before the first wave of Ascension and core issues are flaring all over the place. So many are in the thick of it that some things are becoming clearer. For instance, I’ve never seen more clearly the relationship between our scripts...

Refugees: A Peace Meditation

Today during our Saturday Conference Call, we had an inspiring conversation regarding the Syrian refugee situation and the role that ISIS is playing on the world stage. After much discussion, the group decided to take action, to do our part in helping with those...

Welcome Gaians to the Global Conversation

For years I have wanted, and been guided, to create a portal where a global conversation about spiritual matters – matters of the heart, could be openly, freely and joyously discussed. Today this dream takes form! Welcome to the Council of Love Nova Earth...