Our Deep Housecleaning by Steve Beckow

Archangel Gabrielle said in a message Sept. 21: “I remind you this day, [that you are clearing] your key motivator, your core issues, as you let the residue of the old Third go… Why do you do this? … “You are undergoing this magnificent...

A channeling from Jesus through John Smallman

A wonderful message from Jesus on the effects of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love and how we humans can help bring an end to the violence and chaos that is so prevalent today. Thank you John for sharing this message. Realization of the absolute futility of conflict...

Tsunami of Love Livestream Experiences, Part 2

Thank You’s for the Tsunami of Love Webcast On June 8th Universal Mother Mary, Gaia, the Council of Love and Linda Dillon broadcast the Tsunami of Love Livestream webcast. Letters of gratitude and their accompanying experiences have been flowing into the Council of...

Tsunami of Love Livestream Experiences, Part 1

First The Universal Mother took us over 100 registrants for the Livestream. We went from 200 to 300 and then She asked me what would be wrong with 400 viewers for the Livestream, as I took a deep breath. And then… She gave me the message, which we posted here,...