Archangel Uriel ~ Let Us Restore Gaia!

One person can change a planetary path, a galactic path, influence and shift an entire universe! That’s what one person can do! So when you join as a mighty force as we do… HEART CALL, JULY 2023 Archangel Uriel ~ Let Us Restore Gaia! Greetings, I AM Uriel, also...

Archangel Jophiel – Who I AM

As Archangel Jophiel steps forward to guide us in this New Time, it is important that we come to know him more clearly – and dearly! xxx Linda Archangel Jophiel: Bringer of the Grail, Keeper of Time, Archangel of Balance & Unity, Archangel of Temperance &...

Archangel Gabrielle’s Golden Grid of Creation

 I originally channeled this powerful message in 2003! Now Archangel Gabrielle is beckoning us once more to come together and shine our grid, clear the debris on ourselves and Gaia and enter clean and shiny into the Mother’s New Time! You’re invited! xxx...

Archangel Gabrielle ~ What Does Love Do?

You are the handmaidens of manifestation; you are the bringers of the new; you are the imagination of God in form, on planet. Can you imagine? Hear what I say to thee! Archangel Gabrielle ~ What Does Love Do? Greetings, I am Suzanna Michaela Gabrielle, Lily of Love,...