…what you are saying by the mere active engagement is: “I see you; I value you; you are worth this energy, this time and space, because I wish to even pass the time of day with you.

Yet another inspiring Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Thadiel from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.


We want you to walk the streets of London. We want you to sit in the parks. We want you to engage in casual conversations with the clerks, with the news-sellers, with the waiters, with the doormen, with the homeless person sitting on the bench next to you. You are a golden communicator, and yes, while I love to claim you as mine, my sister Gabrielle also claims you!

So this communication is not overwhelming; that is why we have termed your gift, your beautiful essence “casual conversation”. Now, so often when one is excited… and you are, and we do not want to diminish that in any way, shape or form!… but think of the human experience with zealots – yes, from the time of Christ, back to Egypt, back to ancient times, to modern day.

So often, those who are zealots – not zealous, but zealots; and no, it is not a label, it is simply an explanation – want to enforce or overlay what they believe to be true upon others, and what that does is simply overwhelm people to the point of simply shutting them down. So what you do in these heart-speaking, heart-listening, casual conversations is you meet your ‘fellow beings’ – and we use that because there are many star beings on your planet now – but you are meeting people exactly where they are at.

So your mission is twofold. Of course, you are beaming from your heart to theirs – that is a given; that is what you do – but at the same time… yes, by planting titbits… what you are saying by the mere active engagement is: “I see you; I value you; you are worth this energy, this time and space, because I wish to even pass the time of day with you.”

And when you insert a casual comment such as: “Well, you know, I think things are so bad so they can get better; so that the old arrogance and ego can fade away; so that we can live in a world that is more equal for all people,” … when you simply insert not a judgement but a hope, an idea, a gift, that is what you are doing.

But the true gift is the beaming and the acknowledgement of their divinity, of their value in form, on planet, at this time. So what you are really saying to them is: “Thanks for being here and thanks for staying.”

So many are disheartened. So what you are doing, sweet one, is reactivating their hope – and there is no more precious gift than that!