The stories will be told about the time when humans came together to reclaim freedom and free will and true liberty – and alignment not merely with the Divine, not merely with love, but with themselves!

This inspiring Channelled Gem is lovingly shared by Thadiel from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Archangel Michael ~ Seeing the Journey Through to Reap the Joy!

Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, beloved brother! And welcome to this circle, this circle of infinite becoming, this circle of infinite expansion.

You are doing well – and yes, there are many feelings that you experience like the body is trying to catch up to what is truly taking place. And so the watchword during this time, sweet angel of peace, communicator of love, is to be gentle, is to pace your sacred self and allow the immersion, the penetration, the adjustments. It is already in the very air, in the very light – whether it is day or night [chuckling] – that you are breathing.

You do not say to a gentle breeze, a gusty wind, or a hurricane blast, “Can you wait while I adjust my breathing.” It is automatic! It is part of the mechanism of this magnificent body that you occupy, that you and we have designed eons ago and particularly upgraded for this life, at this time.

There is much talk about the upcoming children, the babies, the teenagers for they will be, literally, the inheritors of the Earth. But let us be clear about this. It is the wayshowers, it is the warriors of love, it is you, it is your age group that have forged the way, that have forged the path, and continue to do so.

So of course you remain on planet, not merely but certainly to see your journey through, to see your mission through, but also to reap the joy of seeing, of experiencing, of participating in what has been created – in what has truly been anchored through the human form upon the planet, in tandem with the kingdoms, and most certainly in tandem with Gaia herself.

Many stories have been prophesied and written about this time that you are now in the middle of, and many stories will be written and told, whether it is in libraries or whether it is by a campfire, whether it is around a medicine wheel, or in a temple. The stories will be told about the time when humans came together to reclaim freedom and free will and true liberty – and alignment not merely with the Divine, not merely with love, but with themselves!

This has been the biggest challenge, the greatest battle – and the battle is over! It has occurred, and yes, is continuing to occur because, of course, like all things, this is not simply a single moment in time, a one-shot deal! No! Because choice, free will and decisions are what create the intention and the experience, the follow-through, the actions. That is what is creating this beautiful Nova Earth, Terra Gaia.

So I come for many reasons this day – and yes, to fortify you, to remind you, my dearest friend, of your light sabre – but I also come to thank you, for you have been true. And you might say to me, “Well, Michael, how else could I possibly be?” But that would not be fully recognising who you are and what has and is being accomplished.

The change for Nova Earth isn’t by royal or parliamentary decree; it isn’t by the making of new laws. Yes, they will follow and institutions and systems will change radically, but what creates this change is the heart, is the spirit, is the soul – and it is the decision not merely to align with the love but to be the love. And that is exactly, my friend, my brother, what you are doing, so we bless you.