The Magdalena: The Blossoming That Is Now Upon Us!

The key is to truly look in the mirror – in Michael’s Blue Mirror of Truth – and to gaze and to see the truth and the beauty and the might and the humility of who you really are. At the behest of the Magdalena, Elle shares this sweet gem from a recent reading with...

Kuthumi ~ Time for Kindness to Be the Operating System

Treat yourself with kindness, and then, knowing the joy, the purity, the sweetness of how that feels, then you are able and eager to share that kindness with others… Kuthumi ~ Time for Kindness to Be the Operating System HEART CALL – March 2019 Meditation: So,...

You Carry, In Form, the Divine DNA

We have Serapis Bey with us this morning, an amazing ascended master. He is the Keeper of the Ascension Temple, the Ascension Chamber, at Luxor, and he is the Keeper, or the Overseer, of the Ascension Flame, which is the merger of the Alpha and the Omega Flames. You...

Sanat Kumara: Love Yourself the Way We All Love You – Videos

I come to fill you with my golden light and with my golden love. Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: Let’s begin by relaxing, by relaxing this incredible day of December as we move into a new month, and the month of the Winter Solstice, the time,...