by admin
Well, I finally finished it! With the help of a small legion of friends and the Council of Love, The Jesus Book is ready. What would you do if Jesus asked you to undertake a mission that was important to him? That’s what happened to me in March 2016 when Jesus...
by Mary Valanzano
On our Saturday Conference Call our beloved Yeshua has issued a Call To Action! “We reignite the will because this has been part of the missing piece; it is the will to bring into physicality that which you desire.” Title: Jesus’s Call To Action! Being:...
by Linda Dillon
As I am sitting here working on The Jesus Book I came across this wonderful channeling first speaking about the bridge to now. The message never changes – always love. My beloved friends, you ask, “Jesus, what lies ahead?” On Earth, there are many words that are...
by Mary Valanzano
Think of mercy in this way: it is compassion + forgiveness + love. Mercy has the same magnitude as overwhelm. It only becomes the fullness of its quality when it is extended, when it is put into the flow. Give to yourself my tender mercy. Let me comfort you that you...
by Mary Valanzano
I ask each of you to allow this either re-ignition or deeper ignition of passion not only for the unfoldment but for yourself, and not only in what you think of as your divinity but every fiber of your being. Saturday Conference Call Meditation:...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, Yeshua, brother of your heart, brother of your soul. The rules have never altered, not throughout what you know as time, space or planets. There is only one rule, and it is love: love of self and, therein, love of all. It has never been...