Archangel Uriel ~ Let Us Restore Gaia!

One person can change a planetary path, a galactic path, influence and shift an entire universe! That’s what one person can do! So when you join as a mighty force as we do… HEART CALL, JULY 2023 Archangel Uriel ~ Let Us Restore Gaia! Greetings, I AM Uriel, also...

Archangel Uriel ~ Anchor Your Expanded Free Will

Archangel Uriel says that we are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of our capacity of free will, and the fluidity, and the fortitude of when we will, like I do, to will the Will of the Divine One, the Divine All. Channeling:...

Archangel Uriel – You Are The Champions of Change

A timely and timeless message from our beloved brother of silver reminding us not only who we are but why we are here. xxx Linda Greetings, I am Uriel, Archangel of the future, bringer of the now, keeper of the time, Archangel of Divine Authority, brother, ally and...