St. Germaine ~ Surrender: The Next Step

While surrender is one of your next steps, I would like to also suggest to you that it has never been easier. If you keep your eye on surrender, action that is appropriate, that is of love, of co-creation of the new – very shortly you will be saying, “Oh my, it...

St. Germaine: You Are Perfecting Your Beingness

“There has been a human obsession with doing. … One of the areas that you are perfecting right now – not in some distant future or some distant past, but right now – is you are also perfecting your beingness – your ability to be, and to be in the integrated...

St. Germaine: Now is the Time to Love!

It’s time to awaken to love. The expansion of your heart consciousness, the ability to feel and to be the love is the most important thing that you can possibly do. And it is the love energy that will heal all. Steve We’re going to be talking today about 11/11 and...

St. Germaine: You are our Creators in form!

You my beloved friends are mighty creators and you create in every moment of every day. It is the very nature of your being because you are patterned upon the infinite creator, the eternal creator, the Mother. Steve Good Evening Linda, though we’re prerecording and...