St. Germaine reminds us “…that the role of the teacher is to be the student, is to be in ever present awe of what is possible, and to allow that to flow through you into others whether it is as words or touch or simply transmission, it matters not.” He speaks of “choice” as a gift, “…to see that you do have choices if you will only stop and be still and allow that knowing to come forward, and that you nourish yourself….” And he speaks of this nourishment as the sharing of Love with our family from above as well, “So you come here with me again this weekend so that we may nourish each other.” And “After you have learned all the tools, after you have played with the choices, which you are intended to do, you will still come back to that stillpoint of Love, and I will be there waiting to welcome you.”

Greetings, I am Germaine. I am St. Germaine, not a saint at all. I am always honored when they call me Master, but like you, even in the All, I am still the student. I am still learning, expanding, traveling far and wide and going nowhere.

Years and years ago, I have called you, my beloved friends, to form the armada, to be the healers not only of my Violet Flame which I am honored to hold and to keep, but for the entire 13th Octave LaHoChi and for the pillars and foundation of my school of which you have always been part, first as students and then as teachers. I remember a time in Atlantis when you would come full of yourselves, each of you uniquely and exactly the same, and the first thing you would say to me would be “Yes, I am here to study, but I really want to teach.” And I would chuckle to myself because that was exactly what I had in mind. So often you came from a place of eagerness and ebullience and of ego – “I do not need to be the student. I will be the teacher.” And I would laugh and think to myself “Yes, you will become the teacher more than you know.”

And so we would travel and study together, and you would realize, as you do in this time again, that the role of the teacher is to be the student, is to be in ever present awe of what is possible, and to allow that to flow through you into others whether it is as words or touch or simply transmission, it matters not. For although there were many temples upon our Island of Temples in Atlantis and there were many names, they were all of Love.

It is the way of the human race and it has not changed in eons, and in fact I would like to suggest it is the way of many races, that you Love to have choice. And that is a gift. You know how restricted you feel when you feel like your back is against a wall and you do not have choices. Yes, of course, that is an illusion, but nevertheless it is also a human emotion that each one of you has experienced from time to time. And you have turned to me and you have said, “Germaine, now what, what am I supposed to do?” And I would say to you “Come and sit with me. Let us break bread and have a glass of wine, and you will see the world will look differently.” That advice does not change. And it does not matter whether it is grape juice or whether it is wine, for you are drinking the energy of compassion and life force, and you are opening your vision yet again to see that you do have choices if you will only stop and be still and allow that knowing to come forward, and that you nourish yourself and whether it is with energy or bread it matters not – the act is in the nourishment.

So you come here with me again this weekend so that we may nourish each other. Oh, don’t think that we do not like to be nourished. Yes, we are beyond form, but that does not mean that we do not Love to receive Love. It is our nourishment. It is what we do. It is what we share. It is the essence of All.

So often you ask for help and you say “I love you,” as if it is a promise: “If you help me, I Love you.” Does not work like that. You are completely loved. You always have been. You always will be. It is never, had anything to do with what you do. We observe. We watch. Sometimes we try and interfere, not with your choice but with your direction to say “Have you looked over here?” We want to help more than ever before.

This is the time of the shift and the unfoldment in the plan of the Mother. And we will nourish you wholly and completely in every body, in every cell. We will nourish you not only with my Violet Flame but with every flame, with every energy so that you might be and see and embody truly who you are.

And in that balance, what do we ask for? Nothing. We ask for you to be the fullness of who you are. That is all. But do we except and receive your unconditional Love? Completely. It is a circle of One. It is a circle of Love.

After you have learned all the tools, after you have played with the choices, which you are intended to do, you will still come back to that stillpoint of Love, and I will be there waiting to welcome you. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon Miami, Florida, 13th Octave LaHoChi class