Yahweh ~ Embrace The Totality Of Who You Are! (Part 1/2)
by Ellen Nairn
And embrace the decisions, the choices that you make each and every day, each and every moment. And I do not just mean of sexuality and physicality, but the beauty – the beauty of who you are and the beauty of others. Yahweh ~ Embrace The Totality Of Who You Are!...The Unified Field of One ~ It’s a New Game with Different Rules
by admin
The rules of engagement that we have spoken of repeatedly, some of you would say ‘ad nauseam’, of honouring and heart-speaking, heart-listening – all of that applies – but the spaciousness of these rules shifts because the Mother has dreamed, and so have...Yahweh’s 2023 Christmas Message – Ask and You Shall Receive!
by Ellen Nairn
Reacquaint yourself with me, with every part of me! Winter Solstice 2023 ~ A Channelling Extravaganza of Christmas Messages from JESUS SANANDA, GAIA, and YAHWEH! Yahweh’s 2023 Christmas Message – Ask and You Shall Receive! I AM Yahweh and I speak on behalf of all of...Feeling The Shift
by Linda Dillon
In last week’s COL Monday newsletter, I shared about some of the incredible shifts that folks have been feeling since the Nov 10-11 Gathering on Harmonizing Divine Radiance. The Gifts from the Divine keep on flowing and now I have heard from many of you –...