Althea: Nurture and Nurturing

The Mother, our beloved Divine Mother, is the Nurturer. And those who have chosen to walk in her steps and to reflect, in form, what that is and how it works are essential to the transformation, quite literally, of the human race. At the behest of her beloved Guardian...

Belle’Anna ~ The Role of Guardian Angel

We are conjoined and united, and I do everything – and that is a lot! – that I can to assist you. Belle’Anna, beloved Guardian Angel, wishes that all might enjoy her message on the “Role of Guardian Angel” which is not as yet fully understood. Lovingly...

Belle’Anna ~ Being the Christopher Columbus of Spirit!

You are the pathfinders, the wayshowers, the Christopher Columbus of Spirit [laughing], and you are not engaging in war or annihilation so it is even better! Another delightful Channelled Gem lovingly shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon....

Belle’Anna ~ Eliminating ‘the devil’ with Love

‘The devil’ is simply the personification of human negativity. This wonderful Channelled Gem is lovingly shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. I AM Belle’Anna, guardian and friend, protector, sister, mother – there is no role I will...