Archangel Gabrielle: I Give You My Golden Heart
I give you my joy, I give you, not only the golden elixir, or my bubbles, I give you my golden heart… that we will always be united in heart and united in joy. Channeling: Greetings, I AM Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One. Welcome. I welcome...Archangel Jophiel asks, “What Are the Keys to Nova Earth?”
Let us start with compassion, and let us take this quality and this concept, this belief system, and expand it one hundred, one thousand-fold. Channeling: Greetings, I AM Jophiel, angel of the future, Archangel of Completion, Archangel of New Beginnings, and in many...Archangel Uriel ~ Anchor Your Expanded Free Will
Archangel Uriel says that we are just beginning to comprehend, understand, and utilize this expansion of our capacity of free will, and the fluidity, and the fortitude of when we will, like I do, to will the Will of the Divine One, the Divine All. Channeling:...Archangel Uriel – You Are The Champions of Change
by Linda Dillon
A timely and timeless message from our beloved brother of silver reminding us not only who we are but why we are here. xxx Linda Greetings, I am Uriel, Archangel of the future, bringer of the now, keeper of the time, Archangel of Divine Authority, brother, ally and...Archangel Gabrielle ~ Extraordinary Circumstances, Extraordinary Times
by Ellen Nairn
More than ever before, there is the desire to bring forth Heaven, or what people perceive as Heaven, on Earth! Archangel Gabrielle ~ Extraordinary Circumstances, Extraordinary Times This beautiful gem is lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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