What Is Nova Earth by Gaia

Happy Earth Day My Friends! There could not be a more pertinent message than this one from Gaia herself, Archangel GQi’anna, the quintessential agent of change, to truly comprehend what is transpiring during this time of change catalyzed by the COVID-19. Gaia...

Archangel Michael: Remain the Observer

A synopsis of the high points of Linda’s chat before the Archangel Michael channeling: LD: Mother Mary, the Divine Mother, the Universal Mother has been very very present, particular in the last week or so… on Thursday I was doing a channeling and She came forward and...

Archangel Gabrielle: In This Time of Pause

So, are you in the time, dearest heart, of confinement? Yes, you are because you need it. You need, particularly, to step back from the chaos… LD: I was guided this week to expand… and thanks, Melissa, for pointing it out… to expand who was participating. I was having...
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