Archangel Michael’s Progress Report on World Peace

World peace is on a very strong forward thrust and it is on a very strong backward thrust… Archangel Michael explains… This fabulous progress report through Archangel Michael is lovingly shared by Steve Beckow from a personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel...

Gaia Invites Us to Partner with Her

What I am asking is for the re-introduction, the re-integration of original human, of the Creator Race, of you as angel in form, to join in the peace and harmony with us. Channeling: Greetings, I AM Gaia. I AM Gianna, I go by many names. I AM Archangel of Pink. I AM...

Gaia ~ Our Divine Engineering (Part 1/2)

Come and play. Come into the silence and the stillness. The care and maintenance of your divine human architecture/engineering is critical, and it is particularly critical during this time of rebirth and reconstruction. This fabulous channelled gem is lovingly shared...

Archangel Metatron ~ Let Us Bring Flowers To Your Heart

Let us bring the fragrance of spring and summer and new beginnings. Let us bring the beauty of the blossoms… It is remembering that deepest connection to the Mother’s garden. This delightful gem is lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda...