Archangel Gi’Anna ~ Embodying planet Earth as a petri dish for love
It was the desire of the Mother to simply create, in material form, a planet of such beauty and diversity and with so many kingdoms that it would literally be a petri dish for love. Archangel Michael explains this in a personal reading shared by Steve Beckow,...Archangel Michael’s Progress Report on World Peace
World peace is on a very strong forward thrust and it is on a very strong backward thrust… Archangel Michael explains… This fabulous progress report through Archangel Michael is lovingly shared by Steve Beckow from a personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel...Gaia Invites Us to Partner with Her
What I am asking is for the re-introduction, the re-integration of original human, of the Creator Race, of you as angel in form, to join in the peace and harmony with us. Channeling: Greetings, I AM Gaia. I AM Gianna, I go by many names. I AM Archangel of Pink. I AM...Gaia ~ Our Divine Engineering (Part 1/2)
by Ellen Nairn
Come and play. Come into the silence and the stillness. The care and maintenance of your divine human architecture/engineering is critical, and it is particularly critical during this time of rebirth and reconstruction. This fabulous channelled gem is lovingly shared...Archangel Michael ~ Peace Comes from Alignment with Truth
by Ellen Nairn
The Mother is utilising the various phases of the Pause … to make sure that people are calm, that they are staying home, that they are evaluating, re-evaluating, and then re-evaluating again: “What is truth? What anchors the feeling of peace within your...