Archangel Michael’s Gift of Rake & Trowel

Archangel Michael has asked me to share these gifts which were bestowed upon the participants of the 2020 13th Octave Intensive. We are all Gardeners of Gaia, and it is time for all of us to tend to our individual and collective gardens. It’s time to set aside...

Archangel Michael – What Is Peace Except Love?

This was AAM’s beautiful message to the New You class this past week. But it holds important guidance for all of us during this time of transition, change and chaos. Enjoy! xxx Linda Greetings, I AM Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Gardener of...

GAIA Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth!

This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating… GAIA Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth! Greetings, I am Gaia, I AM Gi’Anna – and welcome, beloved ones, angels and hybrids, starseeds and earthkeepers. I welcome you, the...

Archangel Michael: Choose Peace not War

Come with me, please, and wage peace, anchor love, and remember joy. After our latest Heart Call, Archangel Michael delivered his message of peace and how we, as lightworkers, love-holders can bring about peace on Gaia in as little as a day. Channeling: Archangel...