Quan Yin: Climb Upon My Dragon

Let the dragon breath, the dragon fire, destroy the illusion and reveal the purity of what truly is. I AM Quan Yin. And yes beloved, happy birthday, and happy renewal. I am known as Goddess of Mercy, Goddess of Compassion, simply but one of the faces of the Mother. I...

St. Germaine – Heal the Violence

St. Germaine asks us again to make a ritual of writing LOVE and PEACE with the Violet Flame… I AM St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame, Custodian of the I AM Presence. And welcome, welcome, welcome my humble souls, my teachers, my healers, my channels, my friends....

The Magdalena ~ Sacred Union and Partnership

You are the ones that are anchoring the new paradigm, the new grid, the new way of community of Nova Earth. And that way is through union and reunion… Greetings, I AM the Magdalena, and welcome! Welcome to all of you, my beloved sisters and brothers, family of...

Jesus Sananda: Claim Your Dreams!

Be true to yourself; dig deeper into what you truly desire. What I am asking of you this day and every day is to have extraordinary courage; have the courage to truly, not only to explore your dreams, your desires of what you choose to bring forth, have the courage to...

Jesus Sananda reminds us: We Are All One Love

Love is what is being fought about at this time. Those who most desperately seek love and it’s masqueraded as authority, or importance, or puffery, they are the ones whose yearning is the greatest. So, you send the love… the calming of energy, the entrainment of love,...