Archangel Michael: Dealing with Exhaustion
by Ellen Nairn
It is important for you to pay attention to this exhaustion because, as you well know, spiritual/mental/emotional exhaustion simply translates into the physical exhaustion so that you will stop, take time out, and rest. So do not skimp, sweet one, on the rest because...Archangel Michael: Peace is the Foundation of Nova Earth
A COL Community member suggested that on this Heart Call we join together in a group meditation to lift each other up, to encourage, to love, and be unified into the heart of One, to continue together refreshed and joyful and thankful. Meditation: So, let’s begin by...Archangel Michael: The Magic Wand is You!
by Ellen Nairn
It is your choices and your free will and your decision to truly, fully embody not only the power but the beauty and the grace and the compassion and the sweetness of who you really are. At the behest of Archangel Michael, Karen shares this fabulous gem from her...Archangel Michael: Carry the Power of the Mother and of You! [Addiction, Part 1/3]
by Ellen Nairn
…your energy underneath the surface is very powerful and it is grabbing, quite literally, those that you engage with … entraining them to the Mother’s energy of nurturing, of caring, of non-judgement, of discernment, of compassion, and a willingness to...Archangel Michael: The Mother’s Infinite Power of Creation
by Ellen Nairn
And this is not simply a power that is bestowed upon one or two or that she keeps to herself. It is a blessing that is shared equally. Yet another beautiful gem shared by Steve from his reading with Linda on March 28, 2019. Archangel Michael: The Mother’s Infinite...