by Mary Valanzano
Righteousness is being aligned with the Sacred Divine. Channeled by Lee Degani. I am Metatron, your guide, one with the universe. The subject of judgement has come up that you sometimes judge yourself in not having the compassion that you think you should have. But...
by Mary Valanzano
I am gifting you with the awareness that you are in a higher plane…you are already there! Ascension – You’re Already There! Universal Mother Mary Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love Meditation/Conversation:...
by Mary Valanzano
The Council of Love solstice and equinox webinars are normally one-off and not available afterwards. However, due to the magnitude of this message, we are making a one-time exception. As we celebrate the Winter Solstice together, our beloved Jesus Sananda, Yeshi,...
by Mary Valanzano
You are ready, willing, and able to embrace this love because that is what the change, the fulfillment, the shift, and the ascension is all about – it is about the love… Universal Mother Mary: You are Here Because You Carry the Love Universal Mother Mary Saturday...
by Mary Valanzano
You forget to ask for help in regaining clarity and insight into where you find yourselves at a certain moment. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle. Greetings dearest ones! I am Archangel Raphael, Holder of the Emerald Green Ray, Your healer and family physician, always on...