Archangel Metatron: Yes, the children are dear to my heart
The child lives in the now and it is in the moment that is the breath of God. Channeled by Lee Degani. I am Metatron, servant of thee. I come when called and I come to assist all that call upon me. And yes, I work with the children. I work with many but the children...Archangel Gabrielle: You can choose which dimension you will be in
You are living in this moment of speed, the transition place to bring something into manifestation…so be careful with your thoughts, your wishes, and your communication. Channeled by Lee Degani. I am Gabrielle, bringer of joy, bringer of communication so that you may...Heart Listening: The Primary Element of the Ascended Self – Videos
Heart Listening: The Primary Element of the Ascended Self Universal Mother Mary Saturday Conference Call Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: So, let’s begin, let’s begin by going to the 13th Octave all together. And today...Dolphin Friend: We remind you to find the delight in every moment
See the golden bubbles of joy in the water… that is our gift to you! Channeled by Lee Degani. Hello, I am your dolphin friend. I don’t give a name for I come as the collective of dolphins. Well, we have our individual names but for today’s purpose, (laugh) it’s kind...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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