by Mary Valanzano
I want you to fully understand what it means when we and my Company of Heaven refer to Nova Earth. Nova Earth is the positioning, the experience, the beingness of this beautiful planet as it was always intended in the fullness of how it was birthed from its very core,...
by Mary Valanzano
It is time to declare yourself. That is the biggest stepping forward to create Nova Earth. But what does it mean? That you start to act and speak the words, the actions of love…”does this feel like serenity, purity, grace, consideration, temperance,...
by Mary Valanzano
The first steps in creating and bringing to the forefront what you and we think of as Nova Earth, anchor as Nova Earth, is the shift in the internal, in your spirit, in your soul, in your emotional body, in your mental body, in your causal, your astral — you name it....
by Mary Valanzano
We talk about the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan but I also want you to know of my presence, not only within that plan but within your hearts, within your desires, within your inspirations, within your ideas, within your dreams and your ability to create and to...
by Mary Valanzano
On the first An Hour With An Angel of 2013, Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos, discusses 12-21-12, NESARA, and the higher realms’ acknowledgment of our 3D emotions of disillusionment and disappointment in recent events and our questioning of expectations… An...
by Linda Dillon
This highly personal note began as a greeting to my InLight Radio family whom over the year I have come to love and cherish. Like all family, we have differences of views, opinions, dreams, desires, roles and soul contracts. Like you and I, thousands out there whom I...