Archangel Michael: Spring Equinox 2022 Q&A, Part 5/5

Plant the love! Plant the bulbs of love and the seeds of peace! Literally feel that you are doing open-heart surgery… gently, softly… and planting those bulbs and seeds… Questions: Q15: The question that tugs continuously on my heart is how do we...

Archangel Gi’Anna: Spring Equinox 2022 Q&A, Part 4/5

QUESTIONS: Q7: Are we, as ambassadors for the Council of Love, making a difference in the world? Q8: Is this 2022 Spring Equinox a good time to plant new seeds for projects and opportunities? Plus cleanse our crystals outside or on a windowsill or table by the window...

Archangel Gabrielle: Spring Equinox 2022 Q&A, Part 3/5

Questions: Q3: With all of the information and misinformation present in the world today, what are some best practices to ensure we are tuning in to our own inner guidance and wisdom? Q4: What are some helpful ways to deal with our anger, grief and disappointment when...