Archangel Michael ~ The Tide Has Turned (Part 1/2)

Nova Earth is not a place of exclusion. It is a place of inclusion where all the misdeeds, all the mishaps, all the sorrow, all the grief are healed – and where all are welcomed into the creation and co-creation of a world of love. At the behest of Archangel Michael,...

Archangel Michael Speaks Of Expectations

It is like on Christmas Eve: you know that Christmas is coming and it’s going to be fun! Traci shares this beautiful channelled gem from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel Michael Speaks Of Expectations Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace,...

Archangel Uriel Speaks Of Potential

Everything is possible! Anything is possible! A beautiful channelled gem lovingly shared by Susan from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel Uriel Speaks Of Potential Greetings, I am Uriel, Archangel of Silver, Ruby, Gold… you can give me any ray and...

Archangel Gabrielle ~ An Invitation to Joy

….. this is my personal invitation to the joy.  Yes, you are rediscovering my golden joy, my golden bubbles, my golden love. Channeling: Greetings, I am Suzanna Michaela Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One. And yes, dear hearts, spokesbeing for...