Commander Ashira of UFOG Invites Us to the Star Family Gathering
I come this day to invite you, sweet angels of light, sweet beings of love, to our, Our Star Family Gathering, and we are asking you to also invite us to visit your Spaceship Earth, to visit your planet… Channeling: Greetings, I am Ashira. I am Ashira of Neptune,...The Mother’s Summer Solstice 2022 Message ~ The Creation of Nova Earth
by Ellen Nairn
You have need to see results of your creations each and every day – to look in the mirror and say, “My goodness, I truly am co-creator upon this Earth. I wonder what else I can do? I wonder what my next adventure is? What would I like it to be?” And then child, begin!...Grener of Ashira of Neptune ~ Why Are Our Gifts Being Shared?
by Linda Dillon
Grener of Ashira of Neptune, President of the Intergalactic Council: I am Grener of Ashira of Neptune. Welcome! Know that we have waited not simply for decades but for millennia for this time to come to pass. We come in peace, with gifts, yes, of technology, but of...Grener of Ashira of Neptune ~ How the Galactics are helping Gaia and Humanity
by Ellen Nairn
We have tended to Gaia for thousands of years and we have no intention of halting now, not when you are so close to your own Ascension process, and not while she is already clearly underway. For this is something, a momentous event. AN HOUR WITH AN ANGEL RADIO SHOW...Jesus Sananda ~ The Miracle Of Your Resurrection
by Ellen Nairn
If you truly want to be reunited, to be the Love, take my hand and come with me to the 13th Octave. Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua. I am Yeshua, brother of magenta, brother of peridot. I will be whatever ray or color you desire, but I share my magenta of...Subscribe to our weekly emails
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