Maitreya on Cities of Light and the Process of Shift

As ZenZuriah has told you many times, it is the decisions you make now that affect whether these Cities will truly anchor and come into form, or into a form that you will experience on Nova Earth. Greetings, I AM Maitreya, Buddha of Love, Bringer of the Future, in...

Ashira of Neptune ~ Autumn Equinox Webinar Q&A, Part 2

As we continue with the questions from the Autumn Equinox, these have to do with the Tools that UFOG gifted us and how to use them. Remember to practice… and play with them… they are phenomenal! Micki: Okay, next up we have several questions from Berber and Janet that...

Another Question from the 2022 Autumn Equinox Webinar

Here is a great timely question submitted for the Autumn Equinox that Gaia/Gi’Anna answered on the Heart Call Saturday, October 1st. Linda: Welcome to the Saturday Heart Call. We’re going to touch a little bit on at least one of the questions that was put...

Autumn Equinox Webinar 091822

Wow! Another great webinar featuring the Divine Mother and joined by Yahweh, our Father, and UFOG Commander Ashira of Neptune. Because there is so much information we have divided it into three parts. Part One’s questions are global in nature and offered below....