Message of the Day

” … how much I loved fresh air, a gentle breeze, the fragrance of an apple orchard or the richness of the grape, even the smell of fresh manure! This is the purity of Gaia and the kingdoms. I would embrace the air in its purest sense and I would...

St. Germaine – Write Love Everywhere! – Video

St. Germaine invites us to write Love within our hearts and throughout Gaia, in the water we drink, in the food we eat, in the air we breathe – and be ever vigilant in anchoring Love into the planet and all life. Saturday Conference Call Meditation: So, let’s...

St. Germaine on Personal and Global Healing

On this weeks Hour With An Angel, St. Germaine said, “You are truly recovering and restoring your sweet self and this planet from a very long tradition of war and the wounds of war. You are healing the burdens, the wounds, the belief systems, the paradigms of...