St. Germaine: Now is the Time to Love!

It’s time to awaken to love. The expansion of your heart consciousness, the ability to feel and to be the love is the most important thing that you can possibly do. And it is the love energy that will heal all. Steve We’re going to be talking today about 11/11 and...

St. Germaine: You are our Creators in form!

You my beloved friends are mighty creators and you create in every moment of every day. It is the very nature of your being because you are patterned upon the infinite creator, the eternal creator, the Mother. Steve Good Evening Linda, though we’re prerecording and...

Yeshua: This is the time when Love is restored!

On our Saturday call, Yeshua came in to speak of Love, Peace, and Joy. Think of these every day, put your energies into these principles every day so that we can effect the change we want on and for Gaia.   Let’s begin this morning with this wonderful meditation...

Sanat Kumara ~ Ascension: Your New Tomorrow, Right Now

  HWAA conversation about Ascension Steve: Linda, we were talking about the old third and you presented the notion that our means of evolving past this point is not going to be the same as our means of evolving until this time and in the afterlife where we let go...

St. Germaine: Eliminating the war within…

What the focus is right now is on shifting, eliminating…the alchemical elimination of that war within…yes, they reflect in core issues because that has been part and parcel of your war within. So, how do we, together, heal the violence, the rage, the...