Archangel Michael: Choose Peace not War

Come with me, please, and wage peace, anchor love, and remember joy. After our latest Heart Call, Archangel Michael delivered his message of peace and how we, as lightworkers, love-holders can bring about peace on Gaia in as little as a day. Channeling: Archangel...

Archangel Michael’s Progress Report on World Peace

World peace is on a very strong forward thrust and it is on a very strong backward thrust… Archangel Michael explains… This fabulous progress report through Archangel Michael is lovingly shared by Steve Beckow from a personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel...

Archangel Michael ~ We Come To Fortify You!

Fortification is not only desirable but very necessary at this juncture. Archangel Michael’s address to all beings of Planet Earth is lovingly shared by Andrew from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel Michael ~ We Come To Fortify You! Andrew:...