by Mary Valanzano
When you change into awe that this profound gift resides within you and ask what it wants you to do, then you begin to step into the magic…Channeled by Dana Zook. I am St. Germaine, keeper of the Violet Flame and the I AM Presence. I am pouring forth my energy; it is...
by Dottie Chandler
” … how much I loved fresh air, a gentle breeze, the fragrance of an apple orchard or the richness of the grape, even the smell of fresh manure! This is the purity of Gaia and the kingdoms. I would embrace the air in its purest sense and I would...
by admin
St. Germaine invites us to write Love within our hearts and throughout Gaia, in the water we drink, in the food we eat, in the air we breathe – and be ever vigilant in anchoring Love into the planet and all life. Saturday Conference Call Meditation: So, let’s...