by Linda Dillon
Every year I sit in quiet anticipation of Valentine’s Day – one of my favorite days of the year – and the COL’s all-time bestest day ever. It’s the special day I think of as the Council’s birthday – as Archangel Gabrielle has...
by admin
Yeshua … I want you to understand, not only about the gifts we all bring this day but about the gift you are. A channeling by Linda Dillon. Greetings, I am Yeshua, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Jesus, I am Yeshi. And I am yours as you are mine. I welcome you to this time...
by Mary Valanzano
Meditation: As we’re stepping aside, let’s take a few deep breaths of that really rich, beautiful, beautiful magenta. It’s the color of a really nice good red wine, it’s that perfect balance of that blue and red…blue for our throats, red for our root, our...
by Mary Valanzano
Yeshua, channeled by Linda Dillon Greetings, I AM Yeshua, I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM your beloved Yeshi, and I do not ask the Holiness to step aside but rather I edge in next to him. I address this perfect question of how to connect with those with differing opinions,...
by admin
Linda Dillon: I had the pleasure today, in my calling out, to reach out to Genii Townsend. And Genii is a pioneer. First of all, Genii is an incredible woman. She is a pathfinder, a wayshower, a transmuter, a beam of light all to herself. And she is the founder for...