Yeshua & the Divine Mother – Your Greatest Fear Leads To Your Greatest Gift
What a blessing we had during our November Heart Call … Yeshua preparing us and our Divine Mother inviting us on a new adventure, this next chapter, which is the original Plan. Channeling: Greetings, I am Yeshi, I am Yeshua. And yes, I bring you harmony, and...Jesus Sananda ~ The Miracle Of Your Resurrection
by Ellen Nairn
If you truly want to be reunited, to be the Love, take my hand and come with me to the 13th Octave. Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda, I am Yeshua. I am Yeshua, brother of magenta, brother of peridot. I will be whatever ray or color you desire, but I share my magenta of...Yeshua’s Summer Solstice 2022 Message ~ Q&A, Part 1/3
This picture captures our family of lightbeings surrounding us, especially during the Solstices and Equinoxes, as they share their wisdom in answering the questions asked by our Council of Love group. GENERALLY, THE QUESTIONS FALL INTO 4 CATEGORIES: • GLOBAL ISSUES...Yeshua ~ While homebase may be this beautiful Gi’Anna, you’re not restricted to it!
by Ellen Nairn
One of the greatest gifts your family is bringing to the planet … your intergalactic and galactic family … is that gift of removing imaginary, false boundaries. Yeshua speaks to us about “what the enlightened, awakened, ascended Nova Being is – the...Jesus Sananda: Claim Your Dreams!
by Linda Dillon
Be true to yourself; dig deeper into what you truly desire. What I am asking of you this day and every day is to have extraordinary courage; have the courage to truly, not only to explore your dreams, your desires of what you choose to bring forth, have the courage to...