Archangel Michael – The Original Agreement between Gaia and the Mother
We continue with Archangel Michael’s description of the agreement between the Divine Mother and Archangel Gaia, Gi’Anna, who embodies Planet Earth. Steve Beckow lovingly shares this description from Archangel Michael taken from a personal reading with Linda...Archangel Gi’Anna ~ Embodying planet Earth as a petri dish for love
It was the desire of the Mother to simply create, in material form, a planet of such beauty and diversity and with so many kingdoms that it would literally be a petri dish for love. Archangel Michael explains this in a personal reading shared by Steve Beckow,...Archangel Michael’s Progress Report on World Peace
World peace is on a very strong forward thrust and it is on a very strong backward thrust… Archangel Michael explains… This fabulous progress report through Archangel Michael is lovingly shared by Steve Beckow from a personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel...Archangel Michael ~ Peace Comes from Alignment with Truth
by Ellen Nairn
The Mother is utilising the various phases of the Pause … to make sure that people are calm, that they are staying home, that they are evaluating, re-evaluating, and then re-evaluating again: “What is truth? What anchors the feeling of peace within your...Archangel Michael ~ We Come To Fortify You!
by Ellen Nairn
Fortification is not only desirable but very necessary at this juncture. Archangel Michael’s address to all beings of Planet Earth is lovingly shared by Andrew from his personal reading with Linda Dillon. Archangel Michael ~ We Come To Fortify You! Andrew:...