Archangel Gi’Anna: Spring Equinox 2022 Q&A, Part 4/5

QUESTIONS: Q7: Are we, as ambassadors for the Council of Love, making a difference in the world? Q8: Is this 2022 Spring Equinox a good time to plant new seeds for projects and opportunities? Plus cleanse our crystals outside or on a windowsill or table by the window...

Gaia encourages us: Declare Your Dream

It is time for the new! You are far, far more powerful than you even dream. So, declare your dream and dream big! Channeling: Greetings, I am Gaia, I am GiAnna, and I bring you snow, and I bring you spring, and I bring you summer, and I bring you air, and water, and...

GAIA Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth!

This is a planet of peace and that is what is being birthed and that is what you are creating… GAIA Welcomes us Home to Nova Earth! Greetings, I am Gaia, I AM Gi’Anna – and welcome, beloved ones, angels and hybrids, starseeds and earthkeepers. I welcome you, the...

Gaia Invites Us to Partner with Her

What I am asking is for the re-introduction, the re-integration of original human, of the Creator Race, of you as angel in form, to join in the peace and harmony with us. Channeling: Greetings, I AM Gaia. I AM Gianna, I go by many names. I AM Archangel of Pink. I AM...

Gaia ~ Our Divine Engineering (Part 1/2)

Come and play. Come into the silence and the stillness. The care and maintenance of your divine human architecture/engineering is critical, and it is particularly critical during this time of rebirth and reconstruction. This fabulous channelled gem is lovingly shared...

What Is Nova Earth by Gaia

Happy Earth Day My Friends! There could not be a more pertinent message than this one from Gaia herself, Archangel GQi’anna, the quintessential agent of change, to truly comprehend what is transpiring during this time of change catalyzed by the COVID-19. Gaia...