You Are Your Ascended Self

The Mother has come this morning and asked me to share this channel from our Ascended Masters class on the Inspired Self – my friends this is good news for all of us! The Mother guides that  we all need to hear Her declaration! xxx Linda You Are Your Ascended...

The Mother’s Clarion Call – Please Pray for Syria

The Mother’s Clarion Call – Please Pray for Syria Universal Mother Mary came to me in the wee small hours this morning asking me/us to pray for Syria. I feel and sense the urgency of Her request as I have been on post-op recovery, and the Council of Love’s focus...

Universal Mother ~ You are my Guardians of Truth

Greetings beloved one, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of joy, Mother of love, Mother of surrender, Mother of action, Mother of fulfillment. I come to you in joy, in the fulfillment of my promise and your promise long ago, long before you ever inhabited this...