by Linda Dillon
In a reading with Linda on 2-18-17. EBSS shares Zalishia of the Pleiades and her perspective with us on the current state of politics in the US, disclosure and the RV. Go forth bright one in the anchoring of truth, in the anchoring of love, and the anchoring of peace,...
by Linda Dillon
An Hour with an Angel Dec 29, 2016 Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love Steve Beckow Host, InLight Radio Steve Beckow: Good evening everyone. Linda is going to be channeling Mother Mary, the Lady of Guadalupe, which to me is simply the Divine...
by Linda Dillon
Greetings, I am Jesus Sananda. I am Yeshua, I am Jesus, I am Yeshi. I am the eternal and infinite brother of your heart, the infinite and eternal companion of your soul, and whether you think of me as prophet or teacher or healer, I ask of you this day and...
by Linda Dillon
Channelled Gem ~ Joy & Archangel Michael Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, my beloved friend of joy. Welcome, my beloved friend of peace and anchor of wonder and anchor of love. Yes, there is great chaos upon...
by Linda Dillon
Karen & St. Germaine discuss Karma A channeled gem with St. Germaine on the deeper understanding of karma. Karen: One of the things I wrote down was this confusion about karma versus choosing an existence with a lot of pain. And so I have wondered how much of this...