A COL Community member suggested that on this Heart Call we join together in a group meditation to lift each other up, to encourage, to love, and be unified into the heart of One, to continue together refreshed and joyful and thankful. Meditation: So, let’s begin by...
By Linda Dillon One of the things that was suggested on the Forum is that as we mix our Saturday calls up, our new Heart Call, that perhaps sometimes we can start with a healing meditation and sending each other some healing meditation. So, we’re going to begin. I’ve...
Yeshua, channeled by Linda Dillon Greetings, I AM Yeshua, I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM your beloved Yeshi, and I do not ask the Holiness to step aside but rather I edge in next to him. I address this perfect question of how to connect with those with differing opinions,...
Buddha, channeled by Linda Dillon I AM Buddha. I am the Wayfarer, I am the wanderer, I am the seeker and the bestower. And I welcome you this day and in fact, I welcome you every day…haha…but you do not always welcome me. But, that is not a problem, that is not a...