by Mary Valanzano
You have already progressed far enough that I am asking and inviting each of you to consciously accept the love, the joy, and yes, my brother’s peace, the Mother’s hope, the Father’s wisdom…it is your birthright, it is why you are here…you have played...
by Mary Valanzano
You are fully moving into your role as Creator Race and that is why I am asking you to join my beloved and I in the dreaming because frankly my friends, most of you are dreaming too small. Greetings, I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Jeshua, welcome my beloved friends,...
by Mary Valanzano
…you ask me “Father, what is the Warehouse of Heaven and why do you bring me here?” I bring you here because it is a creation chamber, actually it is several chambers, but it is a place where you can come and be with me and learn and grow and perfect your...
by Mary Valanzano
…if it feels like drama, if it feels like revenge, if it feels lower vibration, then bless it, pray for it, and let it go…the final discernment is your heart. And when you go to your heart and say, “Does this feel like love, or does it feel like it is...
by Mary Valanzano
Jesus Sananda: I step forward this night to welcome you into the 13th Octave, a sacred prayer and ritual that has been gifted to humanity in preparation for this time of Ascension…that you will anchor completely and wholly in the heart of love, in the power of...
by Mary Valanzano
Peace is not brought to your planet or anywhere throughout the multiverse, it does not come through control and hatred, coercion, distrust, drama. That is simply not the way, it is not the way of love…So what can we do to bring about the truth of Peace, the...