by admin
For years I have wanted, and been guided, to create a portal where a global conversation about spiritual matters – matters of the heart, could be openly, freely and joyously discussed. Today this dream takes form! Welcome to the Council of Love Nova Earth...
by Mary Valanzano
We are asking you, pleading with you, to bring the fullness of your attention, of your focus, of your very core and heart, mind, spirit, body to this. I am asking you to do it morning, noon, night, and to carry that breeze, to carry that firm declaration, intention,...
by Linda Dillon
What you are doing in your demonstrations of what you think of as ‘little ways’, but billions of people doing what you think of as little things create such a force that it changes the entire planet. You are ready as a collective to go through this...
by Mary Valanzano
It is the experience, the knowing, the connection, the connectedness, the union with the One, with Source, with All. Love is a state of being that is akin, equal, to being in your natural state of divinity. And in that state, of your divinity, of your wholeness, there...
by Mary Valanzano
I come to speak to you this day not of throwing off the shackles of oppression, but to remind you that the shackles of oppression are but an illusion of the old 3rd reality. It is time to step forward and declare yourselves as free, as independent, as clear and...
by admin
For our angel friend, Andreina Womutt. R.I.P. We will miss you but find you again in the Universe.