Josianna ~ Trust is the Bedrock of All Relationships

What the Mother is demanding is that people perform, act, engage according to the highest standards of integrity, of truth, of peace, and of love. This beautiful channelled gem is lovingly shared by Donna from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Josianna ~ Trust...

Christianna ~ The Importance of Imagination

Imagination is a place where wisdom is gained, inspiration is received – a place where dreams are born – because in this ‘within realm’ which is constructed by your universe within, you are able to truly see and to live in what is possible. Another wonderfully...

Christianna ~ The Importance of Self-Care

We are so glad, first of all, that this query is even being raised because it is akin and related to this whole issue of surrender and acceptance. This beautiful gem is lovingly shared by Kirsten from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Christianna ~ The...