when the air comes to you, when the breeze or the sunshine comes to you, and you say, “Thank you – thank you for this gift!” take a moment and feel the air and the sand and the sunshine and the breeze and the water saying, “Thank you!” back…

This beautiful channelled gem is lovingly shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Belle’Anna ~ Embracing Sacred Partnership with Gaia and the Elements

Greetings, I am Belle’Anna, guardian and friend, sister, brother, ally, mother, father… there is not one role I would not embrace to be with you, beloved of my heart, sister of my soul.

It is right, as in the sense of Divine Plan rightness, that you are in your joy and you are not distracted for, as you had said to the channel, you have been ‘in lockdown’ for a very long time! [Laughing]

You have chosen – for this phase of your life, because you know this will change – but you have chosen for this phase, yes, to heal, to clear, but also to be in the clarity of your soul, of the collective soul, and to truly embrace our relationship – and you have taken the time to truly know not just we who are immediately serving you, but to know your soul family, your soul group – to know what is truly important, and what deserves to be cherished and nurtured and brought along because it cherishes and nurtures you.

And you have acknowledged, beloved, that there are times when a flower or a plant, the sand or the ocean, the sun or the sky nurtures you and you give it equal weight; you give it the weight, the value, that it deserves. And it is important to realise that when you are engaged with a plant, the ocean or the sky, the sand, a tree, or mist on your face, you are engaged with the elements which are fully engaged with you as well, particularly in nature. You think: “This is giving me so much!”

You have a deep repository not only of the joy but of the awe and the respect, the honouring of the offering, shall we say, of Gaia. But also what you need to fully comprehend is that when the air comes to you, when the breeze or the sunshine comes to you, and you say, “Thank you – thank you for this gift!” take a moment and feel the air and the sand and the sunshine and the breeze and the water saying, “Thank you!” back because it is a form of sacred partnership; it is a form of conjoining. You understand this.

So often, humans have forgotten this. They take the gifts of these partnerships… even if they think of it, which they usually don’t… they don’t think of it in terms of partnership. They do not think of it in terms of energy literally conjoining and being offered in sweetness and in love.

This is one of the most significant shifts that has, and is, and will be occurring.

People are having the opportunity to see all over your globe how giving Gaia a break has in fact allowed the recovery of so much – and it is giving them the chance in their own hearts to assess what they value.

So often, when the Mother has said, “Determine what you value; determine what you wish to bring forward,” the process that humans are engaging in is primarily: “Well, I like this and that; I like my work; I like my friends; I like my house; I like having more leisure time; I value family.”

But they are not yet to the point – and that is why this pause continues – where they are saying, “Oh, I like having fresh air; I like feeling the sun on my face or the mist caressing my hair,” for these are partnerships as well.

So is it a progression? Yes, it is – and the Mother is most certainly organising and talking about this.

But why am I bringing it up? Because sometimes you do not hear the air saying, “Thank you, sweet Elle!”

E: Oh, that’s beautiful, beloved, thank you!