Archangel Metatron: All is possible!

You are of a new vibration, new in the sense that it is new to you in this world, but it is one that you have been familiar with before. Channeled by Lee Degani. I AM Metatron, archangel, overseer of the work with children, holder of the sacred cube. And I come to...

5 – Love+ Peace Amidst Chaos

  With all the apparent chaos occurring around us, how do we find and maintain peace within – so to be the clear, calm beacons of light and love guiding others through the storm? In this week’s podcast, Love+ Peace Amidst Chaos, Linda and the COL answers...

8 – Love+ Discernment in Ascension

  With the flood of so much information and misinformation swirling around, taking sides and perpetuating the old good guy/bad guy paradigm, how do we discern truth? How does the ascending/ascended self navigate through these waters of distraction and proceed...

6 – Love+ Heart Harmony with Gaia

[smart_track_player url=”” ] Love+ Linda Dillon               Channel for the Council of Love Channeling: Greetings, I am Gaia, Archangel of Pink, Warrior of Love in many ways. Like you,...