Sanat Kumara ~ The New Grid of Humanity

Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, Keeper, in many ways, my friends, of this planet of Earth, of our beloved Gaia, and of her place within the Universe. My dear friends, my beloved brothers and sisters of Earth, I come this day with [Archangel]...

Sanat Kumara ~ Universal Law is the New Normal

Universal Law did not go by the wayside. It is the new normal. It is the realm to which you ascend. It is our code of conduct. Sanat Kumara ~ Universal Law is the New Normal Greetings, I AM Sanat Kumara, beloved brother, yes, Keeper of Universal Law. And it is about...

Sanat Kumara discusses Unity Consciousness

Channeling: Greetings, I AM Sanat Kumara. Shall I just say Logos? Shall I just say friend? So, I will call you planetary brothers and sisters. Beloveds of my heart, I am not a distant master and this is why I have not relinquished my role as Planetary Logos. It is not...

Sanat Kumara: Love Yourself the Way We All Love You – Videos

I come to fill you with my golden light and with my golden love. Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love Meditation: Let’s begin by relaxing, by relaxing this incredible day of December as we move into a new month, and the month of the Winter Solstice, the time,...